Saturday 17 September 2016



Offering you a complete choice of products which include Sri Yantra, Kanakdhara Yantra, Narasimha Yantra, Shree Vastu Maha Yantra, Navagraha Yantra and Shri Navagraha Maha Yantram.

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Sri Yantra

Approx Price: Rs 1,380 / Piece(s)
Product Description:

Sri Chakra represents all divinities. This is the most celebrated and potent Yantra in the Tantra Shashtra. This is the king of Chakras for it contains and sustains all other Chakras in the same way as the Divine Mother. Sri Chakra is also known as Sri Yantra. This is the most auspicious and result giving Yantra.

The possessor of Sri Yantra enjoys all the benefits of life and it is an instrument for wish fulfillment. It has a divine origin and lineage. Sri Yantra is an symbolic form of all GOD and Goddess. It shows the origin and formation of entire universe. It was possessed by the creator of universe and praised by the Lord of the Earth.

It is connected deeply with the ancient art of vastu and has been specifically mentioned in the 'Vaastu Shashtra'. Feng Shui also has a mention of Sri Yantra and speaks of it's powers and benefits.All constructions based on the Vaastu must essentially have Sri Yantra in it. Anything associated with it becomes holy and attain the cosmic powers.Shree Yantra brings with it Wealth and Wisdom, Peace and Prosperity, Grandeur and Glory, Virtue and Valor, and shields against danger and disease, despair and disaster.

This Yantra is ideally created in Panchdhatu (Five Metals), a very pure amalgam of five metals, but the process is difficult, so such a Yantra is rare. We are pleased to offer this uniquely powerful Yantra in the traditional Panchdhatu composition for its maximum benefit.This Yantra is in the shape of "MERU" (Pyramid) and has been specially and has been specially energized to radiate its beneficial powers. It can be placed in your temple at home, Pooja Ghar, Cash Box, Office, and Place of Financial Transactions.
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Kanakdhara Yantra

Product Description:

One day Adi Guru Shankaracharya sought some food from a house, all he got were sad tears and sighs of the lady of the house. On enquiry the Guru was appalled to hear that there was nothing to eat in that house except for a dry gooseberry, which the lady readily offered to him because she wanted not to turn away a Sanyasi empty handed from her door.

Touched by her selflessness Shankar propitiated Goddess Kanakdhara (Laxmi) and opened the doors to fortune for improvised family. So, many avenues of earring opened up suddenly that it seemed that a river of Gold had been diverted to the house.

Goddess Kanakdhara is worshipped through this Yantra. The problems like debt, failures in business etc. get rectified with the use of this Yantra. Kanakdhara Siddhi one of the most popular Ashta Siddhies known to ancient Indians is associated with this Yantra only so by worshipping it one acquires unlimited wealth.

This Yantra has power to attract wealth from more than one resource. This Yantra should be worshipped on Deepawali.

Following Mantra should be recited:Om Vang Shreeng Vang Aing Hreeng Shreeng Kleeng Kanakdharayai Namah
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Narasimha YantraProduct Description:Sri Narasimha Yantra is a Deity Specific and is usually worshipped by the Devotees of Lord Vishnu. Sri Narasimha yantra is a Vaishnava Yantra. Narasimha is one of the five early Dasavataras of the Lord Vishnu. He is known as the man lion. The Lord Vishnu took the form of Narasimha to annihilate the demon Hiranyakashipu [brother of Hiranyaksha] who was tormenting the gods. On one side of this yantra image of Lord Narasimha is there and on another side Narasimha yantra is embossed.
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Shree Vastu Maha Yantra

Product Description:Yantras contains all the yantras of vastu. Yantras are used for reducing the maletic effects of vastu dosh. This yantras are kept at home, offices, places which are not proper according to vastu. Vastu in Sanskrit means nature , a surrounding or environment. The word "Vaasthu" came from Vasthu , denoting anything existing such as house, shelter building etc. Shastra in sanskrit means systems. Vastu shastra is an ancient art and science containing principles and practices of constructing buildings which ensures a harmonious balance between man and nature and thereby bring all round happiness, health, wealth and prosperity.

To avoid rules and principles of vastu shastra in choosing land or doing construction on the land and in the interior furnishing and arrangement of concerned room, called vastu dosh ( vastu fault) People paid attention towards it when they get losses in business, down fall, physical problems, hindrances in life, lack of peace of mind. After facing such adverse circumstances they have paid attention towards vastu dosh. Vaastu dosh also plays a significant role in occurrences of problems as well as destiny.
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Navagraha YantraProduct Description:Navagraha represents the nine celestial influencers in Vedic Astrology. The seven days of the week are named after the seven visible celestial bodies. The “Navagraha Yantra” – Mystical Diagram of the Nine Planets – is a talisman of unique importance. A yantra can both amplify and improve the beneficial effects of your planets. The Navagraha Yantra is even more special because it works on all nine planets at once and in a mutually harmonious fashion!
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Shri Navagraha Maha YantramProduct Description:This Yantra helps negate the malefic effects of the nine planets and bestows beneficial effects. It consists of nine squares, each with a talisman representing one planet. The nine planets that influence humankind are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. It is extremely useful for worship to strengthen benevolent planets by increasing their positive influences. At the same time, this Yantra pacifies malefic planets and netralizes negative effects.

The Nav Graha Yantra is recommended for all individuals whose birth charts indicate negative positioning of planets within the horoscope that can afflict one's health, prosperity and peace of mind. Lifelong worship of the Nav Graha Yantra maximizes advantages from planetary influences. It is extremely useful for worship to strengthen benevolent planets by increasing their positive influences and to pacify the malefic planets.Made in thick copper sheet with 24 carat Gold plating.
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Navagraha Sthapana YantraProduct Description:The Navagraha Sthapana Yantra brings to you the blessings of the nine planets. Framed in glass the Navgraha sthapana yantra sits at the centre of an ornate platform or chowki and sorrounded by divine trishuls. Each graha or planet radiates different varieties of postive energy. You can have this artful rendition in your altar or desk top for divine blessings and to overcome obstacles
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Sampoorna Sarva Kasht Nivaran YantraProduct Description:Sampoorna Sarva Kasht Nivaran Yantra should be installed and worshipped to get relief from problems that are never ending and which are affecting almost all the areas of life. At many times, it appears that a person is adversely affected due to problems in every sphere of life which are never ending and for which no specific reason can be attributed.

Actually, there are multiple negative factors working at the same time like Vastu Dosha in the dwelling/office/shop, Evil energies and Hidden Enemies, adverse transit of planets as well as a bad period. Hence, a person has to face multiple problems at the same time like Health problems, Business problems, Stress, Anxiety, Loss of Peace as well as quarrels in the family. Under these circumstances, establishing and worshipping a Sampoorna Sarva Kasht Nivaran Yantra is a very effective way for getting relief.

This Yantra is a combination of 16 different Yantras, all of which work in combined way thereby creating a force which appears to work wonders for the worshipper. The Sampoorna Maha Lakshmi Yantra, Shree Yantra, Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra all helps to increase the Business / Career of the person. The Maha Mrityunjaya Yantra in this Sampoorna Yantra protects from Diseases, Baglamukhi Yantra protects from Hidden Enemies, Saraswati Yantra provides with better Intelligence, the Karya Siddhi Yantra guides a proper direction and provides Success in any venture while the Vastu Dosha Yantra helps in removing the Vastu Dosha of any place. Similarly, other Yantras also act in synergy to bring Peace, Prosperity and Comfort and relief in a person's life.
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Annpurna YantraProduct Description:Anna means "food" or "grains". Purna means "full, complete and perfect". Humans seek nourishment – be it in the form of material objects, such as food or money, or in the form of spiritual nourishment, like cultivating a connection with the divine. It is Divine Mother Annapurna who grants this nourishment. Annapurna is therefore known as “She who is full, complete and perfect in food and grains, the Goddess of Nourishment.”Benefits of WorshipWhen She is worshipped, Mother Annapurna blesses Her children with Her divine nourishment. Her nourishment goes beyond the gross material gifts of food to the attainment of perfection in wisdom and renunciation.Before partaking in any meal, a devotee should offer the food to Mother Annapurna and seek Her blessings. A meaningful prayer is: “Oh Annapurna, You are always full, complete, and perfect. You are the beloved energy of Lord Shiva. For the attainment of perfection in wisdom and renunciation, please give me your nourishment.”The wisdom She grants us is the understanding that spirituality is about giving. She teaches the renunciation that allows us to remain in equanimity throughout all of life’s circumstances.
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Dik Dosh YantraProduct Description:

Dikdosh Nashak Vastu yantra is specifically designed for rectifying the faults of a building, site, home or office due to wrong construction or creation.It also removes negative energies or ill effects resulting from inauspicious location or direction of rooms, homes, buildings and other properties by generating positive and beneficent energies.The effects of Dikdosh Nashak Vastu yantra are indeed astonishing. It is an uphill task to rectify a fault, caused by wrong creation (on a side) of some structure.

Vaastu is a complete understanding of direction, geography, topography, environment and physics.The more we are becoming modern, the more we are going away from our Vedas, thus facing all the problems in the life.Impulsive planning and unorganised architectural methods have led to the basic problem today i.e.DISHARMONY. In all, Vaastu is a bridge between man and nature.A Vaastu dosh can be corrected through the changes in the rooms, through interiors of the house, by changing the placements, by using regulators or using some charged objects.Every vaastu dosha has some remedy and if taken properly, the happiness and peace comes back in the life again.
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Durga Bisa YantraProduct Description:The central force of this galaxy.... the solar system,the human race and its existence is…... Maa durga.incarnated by the combined powers of the all-pervading trinity, bramha, vishnu and mahesh and all other gods and demi-gods, maa durga is the epitome of power and the centre of the surviving force of mankind.maaa durga is the all-pervading ,irrefutable fact of existence…the universal truth . Ardent devotees of maa durga are blessed with a never-diminishing level of self confidence and they seem to glide over all the obstacles of wordly life without any hassles. This is the result of maa durga’s blessings and favour. She always fulfils the desires of her devotees without any doubt and sees them thru a life ,full of joy and peace. In the markanday puran i, a compilation of 700 shlokas , forms the “Durga Shaptshati” , which beautifully enumerate the various facets associated with maa durga. These shlokas were recited by bramha on the request of maharishi markanday. It is said and believed that ,regular reciting of the durga shaptshati ,ensures and empowers the devotee ,immunity from all ill-effects and sufferings and no one is powerful enough to deter a devotee who recites the durga shaptshati…..Such is the power and benediction of the omni-powerful maa durga. The sanctified “Durga Beesa Yantra” is a special and useful yantra for all devotees. By offering daily salutations to the yantra, the devotee is bestowed with peace,prosperity and longevity. He shall remain blessed and favoured by maa all thru his life and shall tide over the wordly sorrows and miseries with greater ease ,comfort and confidence. He and his family shall enjoy good health, endless bounties and prosperity and have all the enjoyments and happiness one can desire.

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Ganesh YantraProduct Description:The Ganesh Yantra is the perceived to be the most auspicious Yantra in the whole arena of Yantras for being the soul stature of the supreme deity that is of Lord Ganesha and so on Ganesh Hindu Yantra is of super most place. Lord Ganesha is the most benevolent and soft hearted deities in religion and is believed as easy to please for wiping all the problems from one’s life. It has a special place in all the auspicious occasions and supreme position in Ganesh Pooja and Diwali as worshipping Ganesha Yantra on these occasions would bestow much of positive reflection.
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Gayatri YantraProduct Description:The word ‘mantra’ is Sanskrit and it means sacred syllable(s) or sacred word(s). Across the literature, mantras are described as vibrational formulas that are recited silently within, spoken, or sung outwardly. There are mantras in Sanskrit as well as in many other Asian languages. The word OM is a mantra unto itself and perhaps the most well-known of them all.

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Hanuman YantraProduct Description:The energy release from the Yantra will strengthen your immune system to fight against health disorders and bless you with a long life. Your dedicated prayers to the Yantra will make you courageous and confident; you will become power packed to assault all the impediments that stand in the way of your achievements. Shield yourself against all the dangers of life!

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Kali YantraProduct Description:

Maha kalika–the spiritual power house which energises millions of followers of divine mother, to get what they wish. Here devotees can have blessings of each and every form of divine power with their pure, unconditional love..The motive of this site is to throw light on divine powers, lord Shiva’s twelve jyotirlinga and lord Vishnu 4 Dhams. .The divine power includes ten Mahavidyas,Nine goddesses and in the form of shaktipeethas on earth. Kali Tatva knowledge, Bhadrakali Siddhi and Havan ,yagya topics has also being covered with the blessings and grace of Mother Bhadrakali ji .
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Kalsarap YantraProduct Description:

The Kaal sarp Yantra is the Yantra for Kaalsarp Yoga to vanish its bad effects from one’s life path as the presence of Kaalsarp Yoga in the horoscope chart could bring many hurdles in each direction as it won’t let the hard work and sincerity give proper results and will also reduce the good effects of well placed planets.

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Kanakdhara YantraProduct Description:

Literal meaning of Kanakdhara is flow of gold. Establishing it at Home can open the doors to fortune for the whole family. Many avenues of earning open up suddenly; just like a river of gold has been diverted to the house.

This Yantra helps in getting immense wealth, prosperity and luck. It is said that in ancient India millionaires used this Yantra to become billionaires. It is strongly believed that this Yantra helps to win unexpected wealth in games like gambling, horse racing, speculation etc.
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Kuber YantraProduct Description:

Literal meaning of Kanakdhara is flow of gold. Establishing it at Home can open the doors to fortune for the whole family. Many avenues of earning open up suddenly; just like a river of gold has been diverted to the house.

This Yantra helps in getting immense wealth, prosperity and luck. It is said that in ancient India millionaires used this Yantra to become billionaires. It is strongly believed that this Yantra helps to win unexpected wealth in games like gambling, horse racing, speculation etc.
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Laxmi YantraProduct Description:

Maha dhan laxmi yantra is a device which generally possesses the devine power and super natural qualities by which a person can be benefited at great in business as well as other financial problems maha dhan laxmi is known as the godless of wealth and other earthly power if she please on same he surely over whelmed with lot of money and plenty of other earthly joys or if she gets angry all happiness and wealth ruined in a moment before our eyes but maha dhan laxmi yantra can save you from all disasters and can help you in over coming from all your problems created by misfortune the divine the power of maha dhan laxmi yantra provides satisfactions as following:-
In your financial problems by managing your business properly
By giving success in your dreams you see for making your future
Provides more and more opportunies of success to grow in your fields.
It changes your misfortune and bad luck in to good luck and gives you all you are abled for.
Remunerates all your pending monetary trans actions one by one very soon.
Makes you more successive, wealthy and happy.
Sweeps away all the obstacles in the way of your success and achievements.
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Maha Laxmi YantraProduct Description:

How maha dhan laxmi yantra benefits
Maha dhan laxmi yantra is a device which generally possesses the devine power and super natural qualities by which a person can be benefited at great in business as well as other financial problems maha dhan laxmi is known as the godless of wealth and other earthly power if she please on same he surely over whelmed with lot of money and plenty of other earthly joys or if she gets angry all happiness and wealth ruined in a moment before our eyes but maha dhan laxmi yantra can save you from all disasters and can help you in over coming from all your problems created by misfortune the divine the power of maha dhan laxmi yantra provides satisfactions as following:-
In your financial problems by managing your business properly
By giving success in your dreams you see for making your future
Provides more and more opportunies of success to grow in your fields.
It changes your misfortune and bad luck in to good luck and gives you all you are abled for.
Remunerates all your pending monetary trans actions one by one very soon.
Makes you more successive, wealthy and happy.
Sweeps away all the obstacles in the way of your success and achievements.

Maha dhan laxmi yantra provides you great chances in all fields in which you are interested to make your future wether it is economical agricultural administrative or poetical fields. You can judge you luck with the help of maha dhan laxmi yantra and be sure of your success. If you are working as a professional in any company with the regular worship of maha dhan laxmi yantra you with upgraded very soon. Maha dhan laxmi yantra helps you ingesting out your financial hykes and gives you a better happy and pleasureful social life.

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Mahamritunjaya YantraProduct Description:

Maha Mrityunjaya yantra is formed through tantrik activities. A line is drawn in the form of a geometrical image. Beej mantra or power numbers are written in these figures in order to form a Maha Mrityunjaya yantra. It is believed that Lords reside in their respective yantras. Hence, they are formed according to the powers of the Lord. This yantra should be formed with a pure heart during an auspicious time. It can be formed on a plate, paper or metal.

In order to write it, sandalwood ink and a pen made of bel leaves or pomegranate is used. Mantras are written on the plate or metal and worshipped. This yantra should be worn in the neck in the form of a taweez. A person wearing this taweez is healthy and cured of all diseases. This yantra also eliminates negative energies. This yantra protects a person from accidents, death and diseases.
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Matsya YantraProduct Description:Stagnation in career and struggles in your personal life might be the outcome of the Vaastu faults at your work place and home. Matsya Yantra is as handy to fix these problems as a fish is to clean a pond. It is energized with the power of Lord Vishnu which can bring about a fruitful life to cherish forever.

The yantra is so powerful that it can drive away even the worst curses that someone had cast on you! It is also known as "Badha Mukti Yantra". The Yantra creates good virtues and noble thoughts in a person’s mind and heart and wards off the evil effects of the bad spirits.

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Naukri Prapati Yantra

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Navgraha YantraProduct Description:Navagraha represents the nine celestial influencers in Vedic Astrology. The seven days of the week are named after the seven visible celestial bodies. The “Navagraha Yantra” – Mystical Diagram of the Nine Planets – is a talisman of unique importance. A yantra can both amplify and improve the beneficial effects of your planets. The Navagraha Yantra is even more special because it works on all nine planets at once and in a mutually harmonious fashion!

According to Vedic Astrology, the unfavorable position of the Planets in your Horoscope is solely responsible for all the hardships and struggles faced by you, despite of the hard work and efforts you put in! To remove all these bad influences of the 9 planets, Navagraha Yantra will be your best choice.

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Sampuran YantraProduct Description:This is one of the most pure and powerful Sri Yantras which is also called Mahalaxmi Yantra. Mahalaxmi Yantra is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity and it is placed where yantra is established and worshipped. Sriyantra is used in the context of meditation and worship as visual aid to concetration of the mind leading to realization of abstract principle which is the inner meaning of the visible representation.
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Shree YantraProduct Description:

Yantra is the Sanskrit word for "instrument" or "machine". The meaning is contextual. Much like the word 'instrument' itself, it can stand for symbols, processes, automata, machinery or anything that has structure and organization. One in use popular the west is as symbols or geometric figures. Traditionally such symbols are used in Eastern mysticism to balance the mind or focus it on spiritual concepts.

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Sudarshan YantraProduct Description:Conquer your enemies now! Break the clutches of all your unexplainable sufferings and worries. The supreme guard Lord Vishnu encircles you with energetic vibrations that relieve you from mental stress, fear, health ailments and, other obstacles.

The powerful radiations of the Yantra come to your rescue when you stumble amidst problems and perils. The mighty weapon – the brilliant Chakra of Lord Vishnu enlivens you when you wane in your spirits.

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Sukh Samridhi YantraProduct Description:Sukh Samridhi Yantra, as the name goes brings immense happiness and prosperity in the life of its bearer. Sukh Samridhi Yantra is a very effective Yantra to be possessed by someone for bringing happiness, contentment, and joy in his life. Such people are also blessed with immense prosperity in their life. Those who worship Sukh Samridhi Yantra with complete devotion and true belief on daily basis are conferred with the utmost benefits of the Sukh Samridhi Yantra. Those who bear this Yantra are always conferred with good happenings in their life. Everything in their life seems to be on the track of bringing happiness and pleasure to them- Yantra is the Sanskrit word for "instrument" or "machine". Much like the word "instrument" itself, it can stand for symbols, processes, automata, machinery or anything that has structure and organization, depending on context. One usage popular in the west is as symbols or geometric figures. Traditionally such symbols are used in Eastern mysticism to balance the mind or focus it on spiritual concepts. The act of wearing, depicting, enacting and/or concentrating on a yantra is held to have spiritual or astrological or magical benefits in the Tantric traditions of the Indian religions. - All our Yantras are Gold-Plated. - Our all Yantras, is energized through a specific pooja and mantra jaap done (ENERGIZED) by Guru ji - All Yantras is of no use if it has not been ENERGIZED. It can even show negative results instead ! - An Energized Yantra is the only one that will provide the real benefits. - We strongly advise everyone to buy only an ENERGIZED YANTRA - otherwise you could well get no results
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Surya Yantra

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Vahan Durghatna YantraProduct Description:

'Vaahan' is vehicle and 'Durghatna' is accident. As the name denotes, this Yantra ensures protection from accidents, injury, or other mis-haps as per ancient vedic texts, especially those related to vehicles. It acts as a shield to protect and save the worshipper from any such mis-fortunes, and ensures his own, his family's and his belonging's safety during journeys as per ancient vedic texts.

The Vahan Durghtna Yantra is the Yantra for safety in vehicles, in road or to stay away from road accidents. It keeps the worshipper safe in the arena outside home and do not let anything harm the person in any way.

The Vahandurghtna Yantra is highly significant for those having hurdles in driving and with vehicles in their horoscope chart as per the words of astrology. People who have been told for fear in roads as predicted from their birth chart should adopt this Yantra and worship it with all the rituals as it would surely reduce their fear of life and would defend them from many obstacles in road or during driving.

You can keep this yantra at your office or altar place and do the pooja. . You have to chant this mantra for 21/108 times and with the energy of chanting you would be blessed with the positive energy of vayapar Durghtna Yantra.
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Vastu Dosh YantraProduct Description:Often we hear about the term 'Vastu' while starting any kind of new projects. What can be studied from the phrase 'Vastu'? It signifies that vastu is a perfect perceptive of geography, direction, topography, physics, and environment. The world is moving to an advanced stage with modernization and tends to leave back the vedas, which causes us to face many problems in life. Most of the people use dynamic planning and unstructured architectural procedures leading them to face basic problems in the recent days. In short, it can be said that vastu connects human and nature. Basically, solutions can be given for vastu dosh by making alteration in the rooms, by changing the placements, by altering the house's interiors, by the use of regulators, or by using charged materials. Some way or the other, one can find remedies for vastu dosha and if the steps are taken in the right direction, happiness follows the door and peace is brought back into one's lives.
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Vastu Shanti YantraProduct Description:How to Use the vastu shanti sangrah yantra ?

1) Place the Yantra facing the East or the North.
2) Periodically wash the vastu shanti sangrah yantra with rose water or milk. Then, rinse it with water and wipe it to dry.
3) Light a candle or ghee lamp and an incense stick in front of the Yantra.
4) Chant the above Mantra in front of the Yantra

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Crystal Yantra

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Education Tower Yantra

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Lucky Charm Sri Yantra

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Parad Sri Yantra

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Retreat-jade-shree Yantra

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Vastu-Arcade-Divine-Miracles-Shri Yantra

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Meru Yantra

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Kuber Yantra

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Shri Shyam Spritual World
Sadar Bazar, Gurgaon (Hr.)
+91 7503462525, 9311122433

Kanakdhara Yantra

Kanakdhara Yantra

Product Description:

One day Adi Guru Shankaracharya sought some food from a house, all he got were sad tears and sighs of the lady of the house. On enquiry the Guru was appalled to hear that there was nothing to eat in that house except for a dry gooseberry, which the lady readily offered to him because she wanted not to turn away a Sanyasi empty handed from her door.

Touched by her selflessness Shankar propitiated Goddess Kanakdhara (Laxmi) and opened the doors to fortune for improvised family. So, many avenues of earring opened up suddenly that it seemed that a river of Gold had been diverted to the house.

Goddess Kanakdhara is worshipped through this Yantra. The problems like debt, failures in business etc. get rectified with the use of this Yantra. Kanakdhara Siddhi one of the most popular Ashta Siddhies known to ancient Indians is associated with this Yantra only so by worshipping it one acquires unlimited wealth.

This Yantra has power to attract wealth from more than one resource. This Yantra should be worshipped on Deepawali.

Following Mantra should be recited:Om Vang Shreeng Vang Aing Hreeng Shreeng Kleeng Kanakdharayai Namah

Yes! If you are interested then Call +91 7503462525 for order

Shri Shyam Spritual World

Sadar Bazar, Gurgaon (Hr.)
+91 7503462525, 9311122433

Sri Yantra

Sri Yantra

Approx Price: Rs 1,380 / Piece(s)

Product Description:

Sri Chakra represents all divinities. This is the most celebrated and potent Yantra in the Tantra Shashtra. This is the king of Chakras for it contains and sustains all other Chakras in the same way as the Divine Mother. Sri Chakra is also known as Sri Yantra. This is the most auspicious and result giving Yantra.

The possessor of Sri Yantra enjoys all the benefits of life and it is an instrument for wish fulfillment. It has a divine origin and lineage. Sri Yantra is an symbolic form of all GOD and Goddess. It shows the origin and formation of entire universe. It was possessed by the creator of universe and praised by the Lord of the Earth.

It is connected deeply with the ancient art of vastu and has been specifically mentioned in the 'Vaastu Shashtra'. Feng Shui also has a mention of Sri Yantra and speaks of it's powers and benefits.All constructions based on the Vaastu must essentially have Sri Yantra in it. Anything associated with it becomes holy and attain the cosmic powers.Shree Yantra brings with it Wealth and Wisdom, Peace and Prosperity, Grandeur and Glory, Virtue and Valor, and shields against danger and disease, despair and disaster.

This Yantra is ideally created in Panchdhatu (Five Metals), a very pure amalgam of five metals, but the process is difficult, so such a Yantra is rare. We are pleased to offer this uniquely powerful Yantra in the traditional Panchdhatu composition for its maximum benefit.This Yantra is in the shape of "MERU" (Pyramid) and has been specially and has been specially energized to radiate its beneficial powers. It can be placed in your temple at home, Pooja Ghar, Cash Box, Office, and Place of Financial Transactions.

Yes! If you are interested then Call +91 7503462525 
 for order

Shri Shyam Spritual World
Sadar Bazar, Gurgaon (Hr.)
+91 7503462525, 9311122433

Thursday 15 September 2016

संतान गोपाल यंत्र (Santan Gopal Yantra)

संतान गोपाल यंत्र
आधुनिकता के इस दौर में तमाम चिकित्सीय पद्धतियां होने के बावजूद भी विज्ञान कई निःसंतान दंपत्तियों की मदद नहीं कर पाता, लेकिन भारतीय ज्योतिष विज्ञान के अनुसार संतान गोपाल यंत्र (Santan Gopal Yantra) की पूजा करने से ऐसे दंपत्तियों को संतान सुख अवश्य प्राप्त होता है। इस यंत्र के साथ भगवान श्रीकृष्ण की बाल गोपाल की मूर्ति या तस्वीर की प्रतिदिन पूजा करनी चाहिए।

संतान गोपाल यंत्र का उपयोग (How to Use Santan Gopal Yantra)
देवकीसुत गोविन्द वासुदेव जगत्पते।
देहि मे तनयं कृष्ण त्वामहं शरणं गत:।।

संतान गोपाल मंत्र (Santan Gopal Mantra in Hindi) की 55 माला या यथाशक्ति जप और गोपाल संतान यंत्र की पूजा का एक माह में चमत्कारिक फल मिलता हैं। इस यंत्र की पूजा के साथ भगवान विष्णु को दूर्वा यानि ताजा घास और मोदक या दही- मक्खन का भोग अवश्य लगाएं।

संतान गोपाल यंत्र की स्थापना व प्रभाव (Installation & Effects of Santan Gopal Yantra) संतान गोपाल यंत्र की पूजा करने से वैवाहिक जीवन बेहद सुखद होता है। यह यंत्र आपके सपनों को पूर्ण करता है, जिससे सम्पूर्ण जीवन उल्लास से भर जाता है। संतान गोपाल यंत्र का लाभ उठाने के लिए सुयोग्य ज्योतिष व पंडित से सलाह लेकर, शुद्धिपूर्वक स्थापना करनी चाहिए। इस यंत्र की स्थापना विशेष पूजन द्वारा की जाती है। ।

नोट: संतान गोपाल यंत्र (Santaan Gopal Yantra) के बारें में कई लोग मानते हैं कि यह तभी पूर्ण रूप से फलदायक होता है जब इसे संतान गोपाल मंत्र का 25,000 बार जाप कर सिद्ध किया जाए. लेकिन अधिकतर ज्योतिषी इसे गलत और धूर्त पंडितों की चाल बताते हैं. इसलिए संतान गोपाल यंत्र की स्थापना के विषय में किसी सुयोग्य पंडित से इसकी सरल विधि अवश्य जान लें.

Contact to buy संतान गोपाल यंत्र  (Santan Gopal Yantra) +91 7503462525

महालक्ष्मी यंत्र

महालक्ष्मी यंत्र (Shree Mahalaxmi Yantra) 

माता लक्ष्मी को इस संसार में भौतिक सुखों को प्रदान करने वाली देवी के रूप में पूजा जाता है। माता लक्ष्मी की पूजा और उन्हें प्रसन्न करने के लिए ही महालक्ष्मी यंत्र (Shree Mahalaxmi Yantra) की पूजा और स्थापना की जाती।

महालक्ष्मी यंत्र का उपयोग (How to Use Mahalaxmi Yantra)

धार्मिक मतानुसार महालक्ष्मी यंत्र (Mahalaxmi Yantra) को दीपावली के दिन स्थापित करने से अत्याधिक फल प्राप्त होता है। इसे चांदी, सोने या तांबे की प्लेट पर बनवाकर योग्य पंडित या गृहिणी द्वारा स्थापित कराना चाहिए। इस यंत्र (Mahalaxmi Yantra) को स्थापित करने के बाद इसके समक्ष प्रतिदिन धूप-बत्ती दिखाकर "ॐ महालक्ष्मयै नम:" मंत्र की ग्यारह माला का जाप करना चाहिए। यंत्र को स्थायी रूप से अपने अथवा कार्य अथवा पूजा स्थल में स्थापित करना चाहिए।

महालक्ष्मी यंत्र के लिए मंत्र (Mantra for Mahalaxmi Yantra)
महालक्ष्मी यंत्र की स्थापना व पूजन करते समय "ॐ ह्रीं ह्रीं श्रीं श्रीं, ह्रीं ह्रीं फट्" मंत्र का जाप अवश्य करना चाहिए।

महालक्ष्मी यंत्र की स्थापना व प्रभाव (Installation & Effects of Mahalaxmi Yantra)
महालक्ष्मी यंत्र की स्थापना किसी भी शुभ दिन की जा सकती है, किन्तु अद्भुत व अत्यधिक फल प्राप्ति के लिए कार्तिक अमावस्या के दिन शुद्धिपूर्वक व विशेष पूजन विधि द्वारा स्थापित किया जाता है। इस यंत्र की स्थापना करने से पहले किसी अच्छे पंडित या ज्योतिष से सलाह जरूर लें।

Contact to buy Mahalaxmi Yantra +91 9311122433

यन्त्र शक्ति और लाभ

यन्त्र शक्ति और लाभ 

व्यवसाय यन्त्र : व्यवसाय, नोकरी, फैक्ट्री, दुकान

  1. लक्ष्मी यन्त्र, गणेश यन्त्र
  2. कुबेर यन्त्र
  3. श्रीयंत्र
  4. मातंगी यन्त्र 
  5. शिवशक्ति यन्त्र 
  6. व्यापार वृर्दि यन्त्र 
  7. सम्पूर्ण व्यापार वृर्दि यन्त्र 
  8. आकर्षण यन्त्र (दुकान के द्वार के लिए)

शिक्षा यन्त्र : कैरियर, डॉक्टर, इंजीनियर, पढ़ाई में मन न लगना, भूल जाना, पढ़ाई से भागना, शिक्षा के साथ खेल, संगीत

  1. नवग्रह यन्त्र  (अलग अलग)
  2. कुण्डली के अनुसार विद्या प्राप्ति यंत्र 
  3. सरस्वती यंत्र 
  4. गणेश यंत्र 

दांपत्य जीवन : संतान, झग़डा, तलाक, प्यार की कमी, वैचारिक मतभेद

  1. यंत्र 
  2. सन्तान गोपाल यन्त्र 
  3. गर्भ रक्षा यन्त्र 
  4. प्यार व्रद्धि के लिए 
  5. प्रेम प्राप्ति के लिए
  6. शुक्र यन्त्र 
  7. आकर्षण यन्त्र 
  8. सुख सम्रद्धि यन्त्र 
  9. पितृदोष निवारण यन्त्र 

वास्तु : मकान, दुकान, फैक्ट्री, घर में बीमारी, गृह क्लेश, धन नहीं टिकता हो

  1. दिक्दोष  नाशक यन्त्र 
  2. वरुण यन्त्र 
  3. मंगल यन्त्र 
  4. वास्तु दोष निवारण यन्त्र 
  5. सुदर्शन यन्त्र 

वास्तु में आठ प्रकार के यंत्रो का प्रयोग होता है.

  • पिरामिड यन्त्र
  • अन्नपूर्णा यन्त्र 

ज्योतिष के सुयोग व दुर्योग यन्त्र 

दुर्योग यन्त्र 

  1. चन्द्र राहु ग्रहण योग यन्त्र 
  2. सूर्य राहु/केतु ग्रहण योग यन्त्र 
  3. चन्द्र शनि विष योग 
  4. कालसर्प योग यन्त्र 
  5. पापकर्तरी योग यन्त्र 
  6. मांगलिक दोष योग ( मंगल यन्त्र )
  7. गुरुचांडाल योग यन्त्र 
  8. नवग्रह शांति यन्त्र 
  9. सूर्य, चन्द्र, मंगल, बुध, बृहस्पति, शुक्र, शनि, राहु, केतु शांति यन्त्र 

सुयोग यन्त्र 

  1. गजकेसरी योग (गजकेसरी यन्त्र)
  2. बुधादित्य योग (बुधादित्य यंत्र)
  3. भूलक्ष्मी योग (चन्द्र, मंगल, भूलक्ष्मी यन्त्र)
  4. राज योग ( राज कारक योग यन्त्र, भाग्योदय कारक यन्त्र)
  5. सूर्य, चन्द्र, मंगल, बुध, बृहस्पति, शुक्र, शनि, राहु, केतु यन्त्र 

लक्ष्मी : धन, देव कृपा, कुबेर पूजन, दीपावली, धनतेरस

  1. लक्ष्मी गणेश यन्त्र 
  2. कुबेर यन्त्र 
  3. व्यापार व्रद्धि यन्त्र
  4. श्री यन्त्र 
  5. महालक्ष्मी यन्त्र 
  6. कनकधारा यन्त्र 
  7. सर्वमनोकामना यन्त्र 

विशेष बात : उपरोक्त यन्त्र पूर्ण वैदिक विधि विधान से वैदिक और अनुभवी विद्वानों द्वारा तैयार और स्वयं   हमारे ज्योतिष गुरु द्वारा सिद्ध व प्राणप्रतिष्ठित करके ही आपको आप तक भेजा जायेगा। बाजार में मिलने वाले यन्त्र अशुद्ध धातू पर बिना किसी मुहूर्त के मशीनों द्वारा छापे से तैयार किये जाते है लेकिन गुरूजी द्वारा दिये जाने वाले यन्त्र  पूर्ण वैदिक विधि विधान से वैदिक और अनुभवी विद्वानों द्वारा भोजपत्र पर अनार की शुद्ध कलम और शुद्ध केसर से गुरूजी की देखरेख में तैयार किया जाता है. यन्त्र वास्तव में देवताओं के हथियार/औजार है जो योग्य विद्वान द्वारा निर्माण, शुद्ध व सिद्ध करने पर निश्चित रूप से कार्य करते है।

ऑर्डर ऑन कॉल : आप उपरोक्त में से कोई भी एक या अनेक यन्त्रों को फोन द्वारा ऑर्डर कर मंगवा सकते है. आप यन्त्र अपनी जरूरत व इच्छा के अनुसार भी मंगवा सकते है और हमारे ज्योतिष गुरु से निःशुल्क यन्त्र परामर्श लेकर भी मंगवा सकते है. ऑर्डर या परामर्श के लिए 9311122433 का प्रयोग कर सकते है. आपके द्वारा ऑर्डर किये गए यन्त्र बिना किसी अतिरिक़्त चार्ज या शिपिंग चार्ज के आपके एड्रेस पर भेज दिया जायेगे।